‘Report a Problem With a Road or Pavement’
Parish & Town Council update December 2022
Ongoing work to improve our customer journey to Report a problem with a
road or pavement has now commenced with the launch of new online
forms in November 2022.
These new forms have enhanced mapping capabilities and are mobile
friendly for reporting defects when out and about. We have classified and
grouped the types of defect reports previously reported via ‘Love West
Sussex’ and created separate landing pages on our website for the
following: Flooding, blocked drains and gullies; Road and cycle path faults
(including potholes); Pavement and verges; Trees, hedges, weeds and grass
and Obstructions on the road, pavement or cycle path.
Reports are automatically loaded into our Highways Case Management
System (known as ‘Confirm’) and then assigned to the right
team. Customers who historically reported via Love West Sussex are being
advised of change in process and redirected to the correct eform for the
issue being reported.
We will run the two reporting systems in parallel for a few months
through to Spring 2023 to support transition. Then at a date to be
confirmed in the New Year, we will cease to subscribe and will end the
contract with ‘Love West Sussex’ provided by Blackburn IT Services
trading as BBITS.
From that date onwards, Blackburn IT Services will promote their national
Environmental Issue reporting product called ‘Love Clean Streets’ thereby
enabling members of the public to report Environmental Issues. Reports
are then sent directly to the relevant District & Borough Council based on
the postcode/location of the issue.
Please Note: West Sussex County Council has changed the process for reporting road & pavement issues. If you have bookmarked or saved the Love West Sussex web URL or App to your device then please delete and save Report a problem with a road or pavement
Reminder: WSCC is not responsible for the
management of the following issues but currently
continues to redirect customers to:
District or Borough Council for issues relating to parking, fly tipping, litter or street cleaning, non-highway related graffiti and bus shelters.
Where we have partnerships in place for the removal of graffiti from highway assets with our District, Borough or Town Council colleagues, we will redirect to the relevant partner.