The Parish Council formally meets every 2 months for a full council meeting and holds extraordinary meetings as and when required. Meetings are usually held in Duncton Village Hall starting at 7pm.

Full Council meetings are where all Councillors attend to discuss and debate issues that affect the community. They are called by the Clerk who takes minutes which detail the discussion and the resolutions made. They are open to the general public and time will be allocated to any questions the public may have.

Planning meetings are where all Councillors attend to specifically discuss any planning applications within the Parish where comments have to be made to the South Downs National Park Authority before the next full council meeting. If there are no planning applications the meetings will not take place.

The Annual Parish Meeting is not a council meeting. It is a meeting of the parish electors and takes place between 1 March and 1 June. Electors can contribute to the agenda and in practice these meetings celebrate local activities and debate current issues in the community.  The chairman of the council, any two Councillors or any six electors can call the Annual Parish Meeting.

The Annual Parish Council Meeting is where the Parish Council elects a chairman and a vice-chairman (although this isn’t mandatory), and decide which councillors will lead on particular areas such as planning or playground maintenance. 

Agendas are posted on the website a minimum of 3 days before any meetings and are available to download from below.

Minutes will be posted on the website after approval at the following months meeting and are available to download below once approved.

Agendas & Minutes 2023-24

Agendas & Minutes 2022-23

September meeting postponed