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    Village Meeting 30th May 2024

    It was great to see so many of you at the meeting last night. The slide deck presented is available below: All suggestions and feedback from the evening was captured and anyone who was not able to make the meeting is welcome to get in touch with any comments or suggestions. Please direct comments to clerk@duncton.org so we can make sure that they are captured and taken into account. Once Parish Council has had a chance to consider all feedback a more detailed (and costed) plan will be proposed.

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    Parish Council Elections – Important message to all residents

    IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ALLRESIDENTS OF DUNCTON VILLAGEPlease take a minute to read this message.As you may be aware as well as the Council elections on 4th May the Parish Council were also up forre-election. Unfortunately, only person stood for election, resulting in a Parish Council that is unableto perform its functions as we lack the minimum number of Councillors required to hold a meetingand conduct business.This means that the Parish Council can’t undertake its usual work (in recent times this has includedwork such as the Jubilee Orchard, annual events such as the village Fireworks etc.). It also meansthat we will have no say in relation to Council decisions which affect…

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    Notice of District Elections

    NOTICE OF ELECTION CHICHESTER DISTRICT COUNCIL 4 MAY 2023 1     Elections are to be held of Councillors for the following Wards :- Ward Number of Councillors to be elected CHICHESTER CENTRAL 1 CHICHESTER EAST 2 CHICHESTER NORTH 2 CHICHESTER SOUTH 2 CHICHESTER WEST 2 EASEBOURNE (Parishes of Easebourne, Heyshott and Lodsworth) 1 FERNHURST (Parishes of Fernhurst, Lurgashall, Linch, Linchmere and Milland) 2 FITTLEWORTH (Parishes of Barlavington, Bignor, Bury, Duncton, East Lavington, Fittleworth, Graffham, Stopham and Sutton) 1 GOODWOOD (Parishes of Boxgrove, Eartham, East Dean, Singleton, Upwaltham, West Dean and Westhampnett) 1 HARBOUR VILLAGES (Parishes of Appledram, Bosham, Chidham, Donnington and Fishbourne) 3 HARTING (Parishes of Elsted & Treyford, Harting, Nyewood,…

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    Notice of Parish Elections

    NOTICE OF ELECTION PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS 4 MAY 2023 1      Elections are to be held of Councillors for the Parishes and Parish Wards named below:-   Parish or Ward Number of Councillors to be elected   Person from whom Nomination Papers can be obtained BARLAVINGTON 2 Hannah-Louise O’Callaghan – suttonbarlav@gmail.com BEPTON 7 Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, East Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TY – 01243 521010 – elections@chichester.gov.uk BURY 9 Mike Simpson, Clerk, Bury Village Hall, The Street, Bury, RH20 1PA – clerk@buryparishcouncil.org.uk COCKING 7 Clerk to Cocking Parish Council – parishclerk@cocking.org – 07739 506275 DUNCTON 7 Hannah-Louise O’Callaghan – clerk@duncton.org EASEBOURNE 11 Sharon Hurr –  parishclerk@easebourne.org – 07342 166188…

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    Parish Council Elections 4th May 2023

    Duncton Parish Council is calling on residents, passionate about their community to stand in the local elections on 4th May 2023. What do councillors do? Councillors are the champions of their community and give residents a voice on the decisions the council makes. Becoming a councillor will allow you to make a real difference in your community by engaging with residents, local groups and businesses to find out their needs; making decisions on which services and projects the council should take forward; and getting involved locally to ensure the services are meeting your community’s needs. How long does it take? The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) Local Councillor Census…

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    ‘Report a Problem With a Road or Pavement’
    Parish & Town Council update December 2022

    Ongoing work to improve our customer journey to Report a problem with aroad or pavement has now commenced with the launch of new onlineforms in November 2022.These new forms have enhanced mapping capabilities and are mobilefriendly for reporting defects when out and about. We have classified andgrouped the types of defect reports previously reported via ‘Love WestSussex’ and created separate landing pages on our website for thefollowing: Flooding, blocked drains and gullies; Road and cycle path faults(including potholes); Pavement and verges; Trees, hedges, weeds and grassand Obstructions on the road, pavement or cycle path.Reports are automatically loaded into our Highways Case ManagementSystem (known as ‘Confirm’) and then assigned to the…

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    Highways, Transport and Planning Update

    Highways The process for reporting road and pavement issues has changed West Sussex County Council has changed the process for reporting road & pavement issues replacing it with mobile device friendly online forms and maps. Please select Report a problem with a road or pavement to be redirected to WSCC website for the issue you want to report.  To make it easier to find what you are looking for, we have grouped specific defect types together as follows: Flooding, blocked drains and gullies; Road and cycle path faults (including potholes); Pavement and verges; Trees, hedges, weeds and grass and Obstructions on the road, pavement or cycle path (this excludes abandoned…

  • Newsletters

    Town and Parish News – July 2022

        Issue 42 | July 2022 Please share the information in this eNewsletter widely within your communities. Book loving volunteers needed Please help us find volunteers for our Home Library Direct service which delivers books and other items to people who are unable to go to their local library. Currently, we particularly need volunteers in the Bognor Regis, Burgess Hill, Crawley and Worthing areas. This is a hugely rewarding role that is greatly appreciated by customers, many of whom find the service a lifeline.   Library volunteers needed Help us share our BBQ safety message Our West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service have launched a new campaign, in partnership…